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I watched this video a few months ago. I could remember I couldn’t leave my eyes out off, enjoyed it until the very last seconds.

Some interesting notes from the talk:

The happiness does not come from his own story, and his joy of the music. The joy is about enabling other people’s stories to be heard at the same time.

You’re a great conductor. We don’t want to work with you. Please resign. (Because you don’t let us develop. You’re using us as instruments, not as partners.)

If you sweat at the end of the concert, it means that you must have done something wrong.

They look at Karajan, and then they look at each others. “Do you understand what this guy wants?” Karajan: The worst damage I can do to my orchestra is to give them a clear instruction. Because this would prevent the ensemble, the listening to each other.

It’s like being on a rollercoaster: the forces of the process itself keep you in place. When it’s needed, the authority is there. It’s very important. But authority is not enough to make people your partners. Kleiber not only creates a process, but also creates the conditions in the world in which this process takes place.

In summary:

If you are doing all the things we talked about, together, and maybe others, you can get to this wonderful point of doing without doing.

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